English for
Art & Design Education


We’ve thought about it, so you don’t have to.

Not ‘Make’ – Choose

Significantly improve your art students’ English abilities: stop making them take English lessons.

Offer professionally relevant English experiences which grow language skills for creative careers.

Implement a school-wide English-language strategy.

Engage Blue Noun Language Hub to deliver our 1% English Method to your students.

Even from Scotland, we keep language learning more real than any classroom!

You DON’T need an English teacher or an English classroom –  (your students will thank you for it!)

Impress with your English: hire us to deliver our 1% method to your students instead.  

The 1 Per Cent Method

Girl in wood on phone for online english course for artists

The 1% Method

Results to share with the world!


Students select from our 10-option English menu.

We ask them,

How do you wish to achieve 1% better English this term?


A menu of language study options.

Clear & fair assessment criteria

1:1 support with English teachers

A core team of 3 x Artist-English teachers (& guest language specialists).

Blended learning options to save your student’s time and your school’s resources.


1 % progress is accumulative, over 3 x semesters per year.

(Does your current English tuition achieve this?)


Personalised coaching

A lifetime of good English habits

No classrooms

No employees

Suits neurodiverse learners

Every student progresses

No coasting for already good speakers.

Global citizenship and students as agents of change

Self-awareness and emotional intelligence around learning goals

Learner autonomy & personal accountability

Real-world situations

The difference between ‘knowing a language’ and ‘using a language’, and the role of meaningful interactions in developing students’ ability to use the language. 

Collaboration skills

Practising collaboration skills through learning cooperatively with fellow learners who might have different opinions, attitudes and experiences.

Are you ready to give your students control of their English?

The 1 Per Cent Goal

With our system, 1% progress is a pass.

That’s it.

No grading.

No balancing obligatory English classes into a student’s end-of-term results.

Why Just 1%?

1 % progress is accumulative, over 3 x semesters per year.

(Does your current English tuition achieve this?)

Students will achieve much more than this by choice, not an obligation.

Learners who master continually learning (even at 1%) outside a language course have the greatest potential to improve and grow in the long term.  

Empowering learners to take charge of their learning and help them develop the learning strategies necessary to learn independently.

We give the learners the resources (and suggest apps) to engage in own-pace learning.

Our language hub has the capacity to deliver bespoke English tuition to just 3 international art schools each academic year.

History & Social Proof for 1% Methods

The “1% Better Every Day” approach is focused on making tiny, incremental improvements in various aspects of performance, leading to significant overall results over time.

It has its roots in the idea of marginal gains, which gained prominence in sports and business in the 2000s, particularly after after British cyclists achieved remarkable success in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

More recently, James Clear popularized the concept in his book, Atomic Habits (2018), where he attributes it to the British Cycling Team’s approach under Sir Dave Brailsford.

Podcast superstar Steven Bartlett has been promoting the “1% mindset” for several years, first mentioning it a 2022 interview with Entrepreneur Magazine as having a ‘1% mentality’

“How far are you planning to walk?” my former gym teacher asked when I ran into her a few weeks ago.

“I don’t know, we’re both a bit tired – not far, I guess,” I replied.

“Every bit of movement you can add to your day is better than nothing,” she said with a smile.

Immediately, I was flooded with memories of the years she was our teacher.

She taught us that movement wasn’t for grades – it was for health.

She’d say, “It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go out and walk around.”

She helped us respect our bodies and let go of guilt for what we couldn’t do.

While others sometimes pushed us heavily past our limits, she showed us how to find strength in who we are and grow from there.

Thanks to her, I’ve kept the habit of moving every day – even if it’s just a little. I hope to carry it with me for the rest of my life”.


Evridika Cuder
EV Language Coaching


“This Diary won’t change your life, but the mindset it teaches you definitely will. The 1% Diary takes you on a journey of identifying and discovering your daily actions that over time have the power to completely transform your life. 

Built around the 1% mindset, it turns your big ambitions into small, daily, achievable steps that compound into meaningful progress over time. This is not about chasing unrealistic goals – it’s about consistency, daily habits, and committing to the small things that are easy to do and so easy not to do.If you’re striving toward a goal or destination that feels out of reach, The 1% Diary is designed to help you get there. We’ve spent years creating this to help you develop the 1% mindset mindset and take the steps needed to achieve your very own version of success. By committing to this journey, you’ll build momentum and create lasting results – 1% at a time. Are you ready?”

Steven Barlett, Diary of an SEO 

Steven Barlett’s 1% diary

Podcast host Steven Bartlett launched his The 1% Diary in 2023, with a limited first print run of approximately 20,000 copies, which sold out quickly due to high demand.

1% method diary social proof for language learning

The 1 Per Cent Method

“The single best way to improve your students’ English is to stop making it feel like school.” 

Ruth Pringle, 2023

Give your students the message:

English is for them and THEIR Future.

The 1% Method Trains Students to:

Be curious language learners

Be curious language learners

Find their voice in English.

Become autonomous language learners

We’ll keep them accountable and on-track.

The 1% system gives tailor-made language progress, with tools and habits that last a lifetime.