Further Help & Resources
(Articles, sample lessons, exhibition reviews)
English for Creative Careers
Help yourself to our selection of resources to help creative carers.
Anxiety in Lanaguage Learning for Creative Careers
An Introduction to the Correlation Between Anxiety & Creativity In her book Beyond Anxiety, Sociologist Dr. Martha Beck examines ways creativity...
How Many Elephants | English for Design Careers
Image credit: International Anti Poaching Foundation How Many Elephants? This week saw the first World Female Ranger Day. Over a two-part blog, we...
English for Design | Holly Budge & How Many Elephants
This is a 2 part lesson plan, examining Englsih for Design through the How Many Elephants (HME) campaign. In our first blog, we looked at World...
When the Music Paused | English for Artists
A Resource/Lesson Plan in English for Artists Fermenta was a music festival & art exhibition by ChamberMusicBox. Fermenta presented 100+...
REAL English for Designers | Explore Dundee Design Festival
REAL English for Designers Designers, join Blue Noun for a design-filled immersion week in Scotland from 23rd to 29th September. Design Week is a...
Classrooms Don’t Work | Neurodivergence in English Learning
I hate classrooms. This doesn’t mean you have to, but you do need to know your students might. I get that they are a functional place to give groups...
A Mini-Artists Residency for English in Scotland
There are only 3 places on this year's live mini-artist residency for English.The Maker TakeoverPack your favourite type of pencil and a sketchbook...
The Abandoned Trolley Calendar by Cherie Gilruth
Cherie with her dog, Wilma. Photo credit: Nobadphotos Odd Advert | Buy your Abandoned Trolleys Calendar My eye was recently drawn to an advert on...
When Test Don’t Work | English for Art Schools
When Test Fail Art schools need to decide if and how to evaluate their students in English. The obvious option is to have English testing integrated...
English Coach for Artists and Designers
Behind the Scenes of an English Coaching for Artists I'm an English coach for artists and designers. I help artists, designers and creative...