English for
Art & Design Education

Feel proud of your English tuition

Art & Design School Directors

Imagine you are giving a tour of your art school to a visiting art school director, would you show your English classes?

Of course, you’ll show the studios, the workshops and any student exhibitions (heck, you may even organise a student exhibition for the visit).

But would you open the door to your English tuition? 


Yes, you would show off your English

Congratulations, you have English tuition aligned with your creative school’s quality and values.

Your English tuition looks like a creative playground!

(You don’t need our help!)



You would say 'this is just English class' and quickly close the door

What are your students doing in there?

Are they sitting in rows like a high school class?

Let us help make you proud of your English tuition. 


No, your English tuition has no place on the tour

English tuition is another opportunity for your students to be early career professionals showing up to the world. 

It can be just as exciting, creative and expressive as other subjects.

(You need our help)

It’s time to rethink English!

Discover Our Courses

Instead of FORCING your students into English, our 1% method invites them into English-speaking spaces.

It saves time and frustration and gets long-term results.

Give your students control of their English?

About Our ELT Consultancy

Your best option is to outsource your English training to us. (Yes, even from Scotland we can deliver dynamic English tuition to Art Schools).

However, if that’s not possible, you can still hire us as consultants to improve your English tuition and/or implement a school-wide English strategy.

We can coordinate one-off events like Books Shares, Summer Workshops and Creative Challenges.

Why is Your English Not Creative?

The reasons WHY you wouldn’t show your English tuition are all the reasons you need change it.

Make a list.

Poor English tuition doesn’t just sabotage your students’ future language skills, it contaminates your whole creative learning environment and ethos.

English for Art & Design Education

Most art school English classes waste time, and resources, and fail to prepare students for using English within professional contexts after graduating.

Blue Noun Language Hub has been researching how ANY art school can improve the English of EVERY Degree or Masters level Art & Design student.

It begins with an overhaul of assumptions about English in Art and Design Education.


English can't be a creative subject

100% it can and should be! 


It's better to have a traditional class


It's better to have a 'live' teacher

Live teachers are great – if they have a background in the arts, and know what language skills art and design students need for thier career.

If theya re jsut an ELT teacher without an arts background, they are incapable of leading your students through fulfilling, creative assignements. 

We can offer you a new format, new targets and better learning outcomes in cost-effective ways.

We care about your students’ English – so you don’t have to!