How Many Elephants | English for Design Careers

How Many Elephants | English for Design Careers

Image credit: International Anti Poaching Foundation How Many Elephants?  This week saw the first World Female Ranger Day. Over a two-part blog, we will share resources/lesson plan ideas for English for Design Careers by introducing you to the work of graphic artist...
English for Design | Holly Budge & How Many Elephants

English for Design | Holly Budge & How Many Elephants

This is a 2 part lesson plan, examining Englsih for Design through the How Many Elephants (HME)  campaign. In our first blog, we looked at World Female Ranger Day (WFRD), which HME launched last week. In this blog, we’re sharing English for Design, by looking at the...
When the Music Paused | English for Artists

When the Music Paused | English for Artists

A Resource/Lesson Plan in English for Artists  Fermenta was a music festival & art exhibition by ChamberMusicBox.   Fermenta presented 100+ artworks produced by more than 40 classical musicians during the British Lockdown (a time when musicians were unable to...
The Abandoned Trolley Calendar by Cherie Gilruth

The Abandoned Trolley Calendar by Cherie Gilruth

Cherie with her dog, Wilma. Photo credit: Nobadphotos Odd Advert | Buy your Abandoned Trolleys Calendar My eye was recently drawn to an advert on our local Facebook selling site, “Buy your 2022 Abandoned Trolleys Calendar,” it read. This was something very different...