Presentation Perfect Coaching



Express Yourself to Success

Interview & Presentation Coaching for Art & Design Professionals

How do you prepare for a job interview or presentation in English?

You get help.

You practice with an expert who can help you make a whole range of answers so automatic, you can concentrate on what you want to say – and not think about how you need to say it.

Find a specialist.

Choose an English teacher with experience in your field of expertise; someone who knows exactly what good performance in your industry looks like.

Art and Design professionals, choose interview and presentation coaching for art and design professionals.

PURE Presentations

We have a 6-week Presentations for Creative Careers Course beginning in October 2024.

However, if your needs are urgent – this page is for you! 

red text congratualtions on your opportunity

You have an interview for a job or art college  –  or an opportunity to present your creative work to the public.

It’s will be a life-changing opportunity – if you can only say what you need to say – in English!

Take the pressure off. Get our help to work out what you need to say!


Presentation Perfect Interview Coaching

You can do this!

No one knows your work or life better than you!

The only difficulty is that you want to choose the right word with care and delicacy  – and the interview itself is not the time and place to be doing this for the first time in English.

We are offering you a practice run.

Spend 1 afternoon rehearsing:


Presenting images

Telling the story of an artwork

Describing your creative style and objectives

Describing past experiences

Expressing future plans/intentions

Responding to Q & As.

Get A Helping Hand

The Format

We are offering you a 3-hour coaching experience with:

3 x 45 minutes (Zoom Calls) followed by 3 x 30-minute self-guided study after we have given you our pointers.

It’s not overwhelming.

Or scary.

It’s just really good practice!

YOU chose the topics. YOU chose the questions.

We’ll send you a 5-7 point follow-up report too.


graphic for avoid the blurt

Is This You?

When you speak in English, you are well beyond the stage of having to translate everything in your head before replying.

You can respond quickly enough.

The problem is that sometimes you don’t say the right thing.

I don’t mean that you get your words or grammar wrong.

I mean that there’s still a gap between somebody saying something and you responding as you would in your first language.

Afterwards, do you replay the conversation in your head and think, that’s not exactly who I am?


It is common to choose the linguistically easier path over accuracy of meaning.

Like water flowing, words come out the easiest path. 

It will make you more black and white in English.

Less nuanced.

It’s a problem because in art, nuance really, really matters.

The Solution?

Just practise.

In general – more exposure to relaxed conversations will give time to stretch the parameters of what you can do and expand your range of automatic answers.

Of course, time is a luxury you don’t have with a job interview.

Increase your chances of success by rehearsing over and over with an expert from your field – so that there’s no blurt in contexts where everything that you say matters.

Invest in your English.

sunflower maze - start for presentation coaching for artists

Book Your Presentation Perfect Coaching Session & Get your English Ready for Your Big Day

Step 1 & 2

Chose and pay for your time slot

Step 3

Complete the worksheet we send you BEFORE your appointment.

Discover Other Ways We Help Creatives

Further Information

About Your English Coach

Ruth has interviewed prospective students for universities, sat on selection panels for exhibitions and coached business English professionals in presentation skills (read more)

Or visit her Linkedin profile.

She’ll help you shine on the day!